[img]https://i.imgur.com/Ghgb6Iw.png[/img] The contrast was dazzling. Even for Aurora’s hungry mind and senses - the overload was too heavy, all too much. She thought she could never get used to it; she also thought that she has to get used to it, otherwise she would just miss too much for herself. It was thrilling most certainly and Aurora loved that feeling, that sensation of flashes and neon flickering against the yes in a language of their own, the noise of machinery and machines, the seemingly never ending, constant, endless hum of crowds of various sentient species gathering and moving around like a living wave of a conscious liquid reshaping and shifting, filling up the gaps in the streets and passages in the great celebration of the incoming race. It was nothing like she had ever seen before. Compared to her home planet especially - if she could of course call it a home. A planet of junk and sand - that planet of garbage and waste was a vocabulary definition of boredom compared to everbusy city of Mevalo. Compared to anything, honestly. As well as anything else compared to Mevalo was a vocabulary definition of boredom. It was a thrill on its own to walk through this city and *do things*. Simple as that, though of course it was obviously not enough of a means to spend a day for Aurora. Oh no, it only served as an introduction to what this city could offer her. Bleeps and flashes, crowds of various kin blended into one. Noise and cars. But most of all. It had towers. Long, tall skyscrapers. It seemed like they were endless, piercing the skies themselves like knives or needles. Highways were coiling around some of these at their base like snakes, but only at the bottom - the rest of these towers were untouched by anything just reaching upwards and further beyond. The act of looking at them was breathtaking enough; but was most certainly even more breathtaking was an act of climbing them up. And that was exactly what Aurora was busy doing the whole day. Her android body, limbs specifically were of course way more endurant and stronger than of a typical human for example; but of course it was coming for a price of a heavier weight of her synthetical shell. Which was taking its toll mostly on the various objects on that tower she was using as points to hold herself onto. She was not any less agile than anybody else, used to climbing things up; but it made every jump and pull up of hers more stressful on the wires, ledges and pipes shaping the tower all around its massive and tall body. Every jump and pull was counting in double of the force Aurora was putting on, but it was also counting as a double of the heart spikes to burst in her chest. A tight and tense pack of nerves in her synthetic body was glowing with every jump and a pull, glowing with a redness which filled her whole breath as well. Jump and pull, each one of them was only getting the distance between her and the ground larger, larger more and the larger that gap was, the brighter was the redness inside of her. It was at this moment when she could see into a distance, where all the objects of the city appeared only as their own shapes in the distance of a landscape stretched towards the horizon, Aurora saw the stadium, the heart of the city - if to be judged by the mass of people slowly filling it up. “[color=0072bc]Oh shit.. the race![/color]” She did spend too much time climbing up the tower. She was also to discover that climbing down is even harder than climbing up. *** “[color=0072bc]I got caught up watching the view of the city so much, that I almost forgot I have to be here! So pretty of a city![/color]”, Aurora said to the drone eyeing her as she awkwardly lied about her physical appearance - which mostly her whole clothes covered in spots of dust and dirt, as well as her face too suffered from some of these stains of rush too. She thankfully could run fast and with of little fatigue thanks to her synthetic body, so she made it time, even in time for drone to spot her near her racing kit. “[color=0072bc]Built it myself! Big angry stingy machine! I made it out of junk, and look.. it still kinda looks like a junk, but what a pretty piece of junk it is![/color]”, she cheered into a drone’s camera showing off the “Spike” and patting it like it was her domestic animal. In a sense though it was even more than that - a continuation of herself. “[color=0072bc]You will see how fast it can ride soon enough! Like really soon enough![/color]”, she said, chuckling, still energized from her climbing session and rather nervous run she did in order to the place where she actually needed to be in the first place, the tension inside of her chest twitching with redness still, which made her appearance and voice tone as twitchy as well.