[center][b][h2]Vael 'Virisusai[/h2][/b][/center] [hr] The moment she was given the order, Shih did just as Aviza said. She passed on Aviza's instructions to the battle group above, as well as a brief report on their current situation. She also took the liberty of encoding and encrypting the message, in the unlikely event that the rebels still had some ability to intercept their transmissions. Across the platform they were on, the engines of one of the other pelicans came to life. It had filled up with evacuees and started to lift off in short order. Vael gave just a brief glance in its direction as it accelerated clear of the platform, then took of down the tunnel and turned out of sight. He kept his carbine aimed at their target and gave no visible reaction, but he did speak carefully through the team's comms. [color=orange]"Our ships can track and pursue the rebels above, but we do not know these tunnels, and they have certainly mapped them. Any dropships that flee down here will likely be lost to us."[/color] Meanwhile, the rebel commander activated his own comm unit, though he spoke openly for all of them to hear. [color=red]"You should be able to get an opening. Follow the contingencies. Get out of there while the enemy focuses on the Brutes. Report back confirmation once you're away."[/color] Once he gave his orders, he looked back at Aviza, still with his magnum pressed firmly to his skull. [color=red]"Okay, glad to see you can be reasonable. Now, once I get word that my people have escaped, [i]and[/i] once your split-lip friend there releases my soldier, then you can have me. No tricks. Until then, you can stay back, and we can all just wait right here."[/color]