[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmFiMGIwYi5WR0ZzYjI0LC4w/xerkerfw.regular.png[/img] [color=9e0b0f][b]Location: Teleporter room Interactions: Nymph [@dreamingflowers] Mentions: Gold Rush, Hex, Rain, Cybergirl, Mirage[/b][/color][/center] [hr] Talon had gathered with the others, eager to get out of the Base for awhile. He wasn't comfortable standing around with everyone and wanted to quickly get a move on. Getting out from the thumb of Black Canary, Green Arrow and even their babysitter Red Tornado would do him well, get a chance to stretch his legs and get away from the cooped up nature of Mt Justice's base. The Android passed around Justice League credit cards and Talon felt the ridged typeface upon it - no name. Talon's mind was wandering as to where he'd go at the mall, what it was he would even shop for, when Daphne sidled up to him. He felt himself tense up, unsure of what she would say to him. Their last two encounters were either violent (in the case of being choked by her vines) or invasive and voyeuristic (in walking in on her sleeping in her plant form.) He wondered if the brown haired girl in front of him could see the light bruising caused by her lack of control. Talon saw she was typing out a message to him, another way for the two of them to communicate in secret. In spite of his mistrust and worry about his standing with her, Talon again felt those negative emotions fade just a bit, touched she was willing to continue talking to him this way. He read the message twice, trying to piece it together. She was asking him to utilize the Zeta Tubes rather than hop into the jeep with the other boys who had already claimed spots. Talon was eager to spend more time with Gold Rush and Hex, but having to be carted around by Rain put a bad taste in his mouth. And now, with Daphne asking him to take the teleporter with her he had a perfectly good excuse to avoid Rain's judging intense looks. Cybergirl and Mirage were also taking the teleporter, and Talon had been meaning to get a chance to thank Mirage for her quick thinking during his rescue. If he could even put the words together. He looked back up into Daphne's face and nodded an affirmative at her request. The two of them helping each other in this way, teammates. He'd go with her whichever mode of travel she chose. When Daphne called out to Red Tornado and pointed out Talon's lack of a phone, she also announced that they should stick together. Talon felt glad that she was expressing out-loud t the others that she was willing to spend time with him, making strides already to put their uncomfortable exchange behind them all. He pushed his dark glasses further up the bridge of his nose, unsure if he should add anything. With Daphne's help he'd be able to start to communicate better with his teammates. It was like Nightwing had said, there would be strife and hard days, but having a team to support you and grow together was worth all of the little bumps. Talon wasn't over a lot of his anger, his irritation, and his inferiority complex that came in inopportune moments - but with people like Daphne and Hex by his side, it was possible that he'd be able to let go of those parts of himself, the parts that were more Court of Owls than who Talon could be as a person. Talon put his hand out awkwardly for Daphne, and then - worried it may be misconstrued - quickly pointed to her phone. She handed it to him delicately and Talon punched in a few keys, showing her the text display written on it. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Thank you. I want to talk to you about these bruises. Later."[/b][/color]