Upon hearing Dia's words, the female Rogers turned her head to look at her, and give her a fond smile, before placing a hand on one of her hands. However, the sadness coming from the short-haired girl made Maggie frown, and turn her attention back to her. "What made you think we wouldn't be friends anymore, Fae?", she asked, slightly offended. It was until she saw at the corners of Fae's eyes that made Maggie give a sigh, and bite her lip, after processing her words. She herself may not be crying, but then, it did tug something within her heart, upon seeing her close friend- or someone more- crumble before her. Keeping her one hand on Dia's own, Maggie placed her other one under Fae's chin, guiding her to look at her, before placing her hand down to land on the girl's thigh. "I, too, thought neither of you would want to speak to me. When nothing came, I turned my attention, somewhere else, by cooking", she admitted. "Mostly without passion", in addition. Maggie shook her head. "But that's different from an emergency", she said, reaching forward to dry Fae's eyes, before pulling away. "Why didn't you tell us about...", gesturing to her wrists, saying it softly. This was not the place to say such things aloud.