[h3] Dean Winchester [/h3] Dean held up both hands, “Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down. I’m not here to attack you or make assumptions. Although, I find it really odd that you show up with my sister…” He stopped and threw his hands up, them falling against his hips, “But I believe you. Honestly, a lot of weird is happening today. You being here is almost the most normal thing in this room…” He thought over the last time they had seen each other. Honestly, they were good memories. She hasn’t called. She hadn’t met up with him again, and his attention went to that, back to his abandonment issues. “Why is it again that you never called me? I mean…I tried a couple of times, but I figured you didn’t want to be found. I’ve been down that road with Mi-…other girls. Would have been nice to know you were alive.” ———— [h3] Annabeth [/h3] Releasing his hand, she followed him from the room, her nerves boiling up nearly instantly. She trusted him to keep her safe. He was the one she was looking for, and the voices had told her he was safe. Once they were outside the room, she glanced up at him, “Sam, have you ever heard of something like me…like us being bad? I mean, you say you’re not, but do you know that?” She had thought about nothing else, since she had met him. He didn’t seem bad. He seemed, actually, really good, even compared to his angry brother. But, they all seemed surprised by her brand of whatever they were. Which meant she was probably different…maybe evil.