[centre][h2]Morgana Faith[/h2][/centre] Morgana had to admit that she had been rather curious was all of this was about, before this meeting. Although summoned, she had been purposefully kept in the dark regarding the details of this assignment aside from being told that it would involve fieldwork and a trip to Germany; it wouldn’t be the first time, the OMR did enjoy keeping its secrets at times. She had thought it would be some kind of new project; something cutting edge and top secret, given the lack of details, or perhaps something anomalous had been found and they needed her expertise. Finding out that instead she was to assist in what was essentially a criminal investigation was… disappointing. Her remit was that of research, not investigation and although they both might be concerned with the matter of finding answers they had little in common with each other in practice. There was little use she could see for her skills here, which meant this whole endeavour was going to be a waste of her valuable time. The mundane and non-magical nature of the crimes in question only made things worse; arms shipments and terrorist cells were no concern of hers. The only point of interest in this whole thing was the possible use of teleportation magic to transport the illicit materials. Long distance teleportation was always a tricky prospect, though not impossible, and the difficulty only increased with the amount of matter being transported and the distances involved; if they were using such methods to move their shipments around then that suggested the group had someone particularly talented in the use of teleportation rituals, a being of immense magical power in their employ, or something else entirely. Any one of which would be interesting. It was a bare thread, but one she’d have to cling to for now. [color=c4df9b]“Aside from the teleportation spell, are there any other cases of them using magic?”[/color]