[quote=@Source] *Holds one hand forward and one hand up, causing each object to freeze in place when it enters my palm* Is ideology truly meaningful in a fight for control? *Pulls the two energies together into a single unit that collapses into an unstable reaction and explodes outward, restricted in its motion and concentrated on you* [/quote] It's only a matter of control for one side- *Points two fingers at the blast, reconcentrating it into a small ball held in the space just beyond my fingertips* [quote=@Webmaster] Because we do whatever it takes to survive! *The gray cubes form a shifting, sword like structure that cleaves into your crystal* That’s what life is! [/quote] *Tilts my head, causing the sword to scrape off the crystal and create sparks* -and never affected survival, if not for all the resistance. *Releases all the energy back into an explosion at you point-blank*