[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] Esme listened to what Dean had to say, glad he wasn’t there to attack or make assumptions. She then gave a small nod to the first half of his words. She too thought it was odd that she met up with his sister and ended up following her here. A small smile returned to her lips as he spoke about how he believed her, and she was the most normal thing in the room on this weird day. She felt the urge to hug him at those words, but she fought it. When he seemed to go into thought, she looked into his hypnotizing green eyes, trying to figure out where his thoughts had gone. She soon found out as he spoke. Her smile faded once again at his words. They hit her hard. “You did?” she said in almost a whisper. Her gaze dropped to the floor, and she slid back along the wall to put a bit of space between them. [i]He really tried?[/i] She thought as she slid back into a corner. She closed her eyes for a moment, then pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts, stopping on Dean's name. She sighed heavily as she looked at it, then fixed the problem, gripping the phone tightly as she let her arm drop. After she had never heard from him, she made herself think he had just told her what she wanted to hear, that in the end he didn’t really like her and had faked it. Now she felt terrible for letting herself think of such things. “I had no idea.” she finally got out after a moment. Esme made herself look back up at him, her blue eyes meeting his green. Her eyes held sorrow for never returning his call and making him think she didn’t want to be found. “When I didn’t hear from you, I thought you didn’t want to hear from me.” she admitted. “But it seems that my overprotective father had gotten ahold of my phone and blocked you from calling me.” She closed her eyes again and sighed heavily, an image of her father sneaking into her room and doing as she said played behind her closed lids. “I’m so sorry, Dean. I never meant for it to seem that way.” she apologized as she opened her eyes and looked at him once more. “To be honest, I often thought about calling you, but would eventually talk myself out of it.” she told him. “Then after my parents and most of my family were………” she trailed off, her body tensing up and tears coming to her eyes. “I could have really used someone to talk to then......but I talked myself out of it again. Still thinking you didn’t want to hear from me.”