[b]SAM WINCHESTER[/b] As the two of them walked down the stairs together to head on out, he listened to Annabeth speak, deciding that the more she asked questions or said anything, he could learn more about her and what she could possibly do. At the question he thought back to the others he had met, or more to the point been put against by Azazel in that hidden in plain sight abandoned town that had some kind of glamor spell on it. "Yeah..." he said sadly, "There have been others. All having different abilities, some like me, having visions of impending incidents, some had super human strength and some had the power to make you do anything they asked" he started explaining, but there was a sad edge to his tone as he remembered how that night turned out. Even after all this time, it did haunt him every now and then. "Some of them were bad, easily influenced by Azazel's plans and the demons he had working for him. But not everyone who has abilities Annabeth is bad or evil. Some like myself can learn to control them and live a normal life" he said hoping that it would bring some kind of reassurance to her. "I like to think if everyone is given a chance, they can all be good with what the abilities they're given, whether its an ability like yours, or something mundane" he added, opening the door to exit, letting her step outside first. He noticed out the corner of his eye another guy arriving and Benjamin walking over to him, but didn't pay attention to it, he had more important matters to deal with.