Ooookay, there's a lot of information here, but I'm just wanting to make sure I'm understanding this right: Our characters are new hires for Apex, an organization that hires and trains people to fight monsters. To facilitate our ability to blast/punch/poke-with-a-stick, we will be teaming up with a kind of empowered spirit (the Daemon), who is [i]also[/i] actively employed (not enslaved?) by Apex. The following things are true about the Daemon: 1.) It is an independent being in its own right 2.) It is aligned with (though not necessarily friendly with) the human player character 3.) It grants power to the human player character in the form of various powers and abilities 4.) That power is granted to the human character when the Daemon is resident within an object (a gun, a handkerchief, the lost shaker of salt) [i]and[/i] that object is on the human character's person. This lets the player character shoot fireballs, have super-tough skin, or any number of other effects, [i]however[/i]: 5.) The Daemon can manifest itself as a physical presence and act independently from the human character. Which leads me to some questions - my apologies, I'm sure I didn't see these addressed in the document, but it's possible that the mushrooms are still working. 1.) When the Daemon manifests, does it take its power back from the Handler, or is there now an empowered human [i]and[/i] a manifested Daemon? 2.) Is the player-Daemon interaction meant to be "voice in your head, except when the shit hits the fan," or more "buddy cop where the buddy has to hide sometimes because he's a werewolf," or "I dunno man, decide which one you like best?" I'll probably have more questions soon - but I am intrigued by this and I'm pondering a character(s)....