Hello all! I just got a new computer, meaning I can finally put this up after... *[i]checks watch[/i]* way too long. So in short, we've got an RP that's started but still in its infancy, and we need more players. If you're a fan of Digimon, Megaman Battle Network/Star Force, or are just looking for a (hopefully) fun RP to join, I recommend "The Digital Expanse" as a perfect one for you. I've got plans for it to run for quite a while, and I don't intend to give up on it come hell or high water, or anything barring a digital apocalypse of some kind, really. Details are in the OOC: [url]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/184786-the-digital-expanse/ooc[/url] But I'll put the basics here too. You play a human with 2 digimon partners, a netnavi partner, or one of each. Transported to a new set of worlds with new sets of rules, your main goal is to survive, and maybe save or doom those worlds while you're at it. No knowledge of the two (three) series is technically required, but it'd help! I'm happy to help with any questions or concerns, both with making characters and with how the RP actually goes if you join. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope that if this interests you that you'll choose to join!