[hr][center][h1][color=f7941d]Transit to Port 1[/color][/h1][h3][color=f26522][i]Ginga[/i][/color][/h3] [color=fff200]Marie Wellington[/color] & [b]Crew[/b][/center] [hr] After her trip to the lavatory, Marie was surprised to see the staff nearby had moved. Guiding herself back to her seat she a saw where they had gathered to a crowd around the largest screen in the shuttle. The one news broadcast from Side 3 was reporting on a recent accident with the gathered crew disheartened. [b]"...The incident occurred approximately 1 hour ago, with respondent teams and mobile workers reaching the scene after securing the connected blocs. The rapid decompression of the bloc affected a total of 37 civilians, with 10 suffering terminal injuries. Reports from maintenance crews continue to declare bloc safety is their number one concern, and initial inspection of the damaged bloc prompts for negligence by the civilians of the area. Residents protesting for the return to Earth have immediately taken to the surrounding blocs to rally support in the wake of this devastation. When asked, the governor's office refused a comment stating the governor has departed for other matters. We go now live to-"[/b] Marie didn't let the reporter finished and moved to the screen, turning it off before the scene could be shown. No doubt it was the same, an exterior section of the colony lost pressure rapidly, resulting in automatic responses barely able to save the occupants. Like having to fight against Theodore's rushed descent plan wasn't enough, this tragic event would only spur on her opponent's support to return to their ancestral home. [color=fff200]"I know many of you feel for the loss of our neighbors, but we must continue to Port-1 lest we allow the protestors to take advantage of their deaths."[/color] Marie turned and faced her staff and crew. [color=fff200]"If we return too fast the same tragedies will occur, in more gruesome ways. I do not wish to let us return to the ground only to be trapped by a lack of fuel, food or barbarians. Not even that insect will ruin our return voyage."[/color]