Mika thought for a split second that she had gotten away with her slip up but the momrnt Dean paused what he was doing and called her up on what she said, she knew she hadn't gotten away with it and if she didn't think fast things were going to get hairy real quick. At his first request for her to elaborate, she couldn't get words out of her mouth. She tried to speak but she couldn't as she desperately sought for another lie in her head to make it believable for how she would know that. Then he asked her again what she said, questioning how she could possibly know it and seeing the tears threatening to fall from his eyes again she wished she just kept her mouth shut. "I can't remember how I heard it. Must have been Bobby or something. She must have told someone for me to have heard it" she replied, hoping that would be enough for him, but she never took anything for granted when it came to Dean. She knew when she was a kid she would at least talk to her mother about things and why she enjoyed being around Dean so much so in her eyes it couldn't have been a far stretch for either herself or her mother to have told Bobby, who would have told 'the cousin Kenzi'. "Am I wrong in what I heard?" she asked him, hoping that if she threw that extra question out there, it would come across as if she was just assuming things. ----------- Sam couldn't help but smile at what she whispered into his ear, getting the feeling that not many people gave her any kind of affection or sense they cared about her well being. Sure, they only just met but they had so much in common and they could understand where each other were coming from. He just didn't believe in treating every single person he came across like crap, just for him to end up utterly feeling alone and like an asshole. The words 'her friends treating like meat' concerned him greatly. To him it made it sound like her mother's friends weren't all that human, even if they were, it made them sound monstrous. Then came the next shocking thing out of her mouth which made him almost freeze in on the spot as she pulled away and looked right into his eyes. "I... I dunno if I can..." he stammered slightly but the more he thought about it, the more he truly wondered why he was sticking around. He felt like he was only around for the sake of Dean, and even then Dean shut him out a lot lately and seemed to be more focused on Kenzi/Mika.