[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5CeYBGt.png[/img] [color=000000][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 💀 Shopping Spree. [color=000000][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 💀 No One. [color=000000][u][b]Mentions[/b][/u][/color] 💀 Daphne. 💀 Talon. [/center] [hr] The concept of metahumans and even aliens was deeply rooted in the minds of modern-day people. Heroes, villains, and artists far divorced from humanity had made a name for themselves recognized and echoed across the world. Yet, it was not unexpected by Casper Blackwood to find himself in the center of attention. Eyes diverted towards the Wraithborn wherever he found himself, a shopping mall buzzing with life. Initially, the young man would have deigned to retreat in anxious dismissal. However, there was a sense of self-esteem so clearly present within him, Hex’s attention finding home on an elaborate storefront. Thinking back on their first moments of training, placing himself in front of Black Canary once more, conjured a sense of satisfaction. Though uncertain, he had confronted his most glaring weakness and did so with a measure of success. He had done well. Equally so, Casper was not a teenager suffering from the ever-so-typical weight of social fright. He was a reserved boy by every measure, but one who spoke his mind when so inclined. Confidence; he knew it well. “We’re popular,” Coal commented, his small, beady black orbs taking in the glares of countless eyes. With a tail calmly swaying, Casper tore his attention from the storefront, ‘Elsa’s Designs’, and allowed himself a moment to acknowledge those present. There was a sensation building from within, a truth the boy could not deny. A sensation soon accompanied by his reflection as it stared back at him from polished glass walls separating ‘Elsa’s Designs’ from the mall hallways. [i]Freak. Monster. Horror.[/i] A brief pause halted the boy’s stride, his spectral gaze lingering upon the image presented by flawless translucence. A hand rose, claws gently tracing themselves down Casper’s tie, his tail moving from right to left. Careful inspection would reveal an expression upon the Wraithborn’s face, claws rising further to tenderly comb a path across Coal’s silken feathers. [color=FFE4C4]”May they enjoy the view,”[/color] Casper offered, playfully scratching Coal beneath the beak, [color=FFE4C4]”I certainly do.”[/color] [i]Freak. Monster. Horror.[/i] Yes, Casper would not deny his many titles, each one closely embraced. He was a freak, a unique being setting itself apart from others, standing tall and proud. He was a monster, teeth like a shark’s and claws akin to a dragon. He was a horror, brilliantly glowing in the deepest blackness, eyes of impossible white swirling within empty voids. He was the reflection staring back at him, and it was perfect. “Look at you,” the avian laughed, extending a wing before nudging Hex’s cheek. “Owning that terrifying smile.” Unable to prevent the expression from widening upon his lips, Casper lowered his attention to the floor. [color=FFE4C4]”Every other smile is taken,”[/color] he stated, [color=FFE4C4]”this one is mine.”[/color] Falling silent, Hex’s joyous display mellowed into tenderness, his feet bringing him closer to the jewelry store. It had been a therapeutic scene, one laying bare a teenager’s worst fears, and certainly, the wings outstretched in their place. It had never truly bothered Casper when considered scary, nor did it offend him. However, it kept him firmly positioned within a fortress of solitude. The notion warranted a locked door, one opening only in response to recent actions, Hex’s attempts at finding himself. What was the purpose of a withdrawn approach? Where had it placed him? At the very end of this journey, there was only one constant, himself and Coal. It would always be him and Coal. Everything else was temporary, victims of time and mortality. This realization made sure to add perspective, a statement extended by his mother. [i]’Appreciate what you have in the moment.’[/i] There was nothing to be afraid of. Life presented fleeting beauty, no matter what visage it may have worn, and the temporary nature of its bloom was what allowed for such splendor. [color=FFE4C4]”I will procure Daphne a gift,”[/color] Casper stated, stepping into the store he had picked for this endeavor. “Oh, yeah? Whatcha’ gonna’ get?” Coal asked, “and will you get Stone Face one, too?” Stone Face. Talon. The thought of this particular young man froze Casper to the spot, if only for a moment. He had refused to shake Hex’s hand when extended, which was spectacularly disrespectful. Try as he may, Casper’s nature as a Wraithborn was still a new existence, and he was slowly shedding the remains of what it meant to be a human noble. Talon was different. He didn’t understand the social conventions considered a norm in Hex’s upbringing. Despite this, Casper had been adequately insulted. [color=FFE4C4]”I.., may locate something for Talon, as well.”[/color] “Good day, Sir,” came a warm welcome by a shop clerk freshly encouraged to greet her new customer, and the odd sight of a bird upon his shoulder. Her new, unique patron. “What are we looking for, today?” It was clear that her attempts at maintaining eye contact were strained, those phantasmal spheres unnerving, to say the least. However, Casper commended the young woman, her approach warranting a soft bow of his head. [color=FFE4C4]”Good day,”[/color] the Wraithborn spoke, [color=FFE4C4]”I’d like a gift for my acquaintance. Something..,”[/color] he paused, considering what Daphne would enjoy. She did seem to present a more typical feminine presence, [color=FFE4C4]”..bright and emerald green.”[/color] His description had left much to be desired, but the store clerk understood enough to guide Casper towards memorable bracelets. Gold, silver, and steel melded together, the boy’s clawed fingers staying clear of a particular material. However, his attention was drawn towards an accessory resting beneath the glass counter, red velvet harboring its [url=https://i.imgur.com/YBfhNKo.png]shape[/url]. A slender trinket of gold and green, glimmering beneath constant light. [color=FFE4C4]”I believe this will suffice,”[/color] came a decision before Casper’s obsidian digits were allowed to hold the bracelet. “It’s a beautiful piece,” the clerk responded, sounding somewhat unsure. The price tag may have been a reason for this. Despite Casper’s unique appearance, he was clearly a young man no older than twenty. Though she didn’t wish to offend a customer by assuming his worth, the woman found it reasonable to elaborate on what Hex was holding. “Twenty-four-karat gold, and real emeralds.” Raising a brow, Casper moved his attention towards the clerk. It took a moment for him to fully grasp what she was saying, initially assuming a joke. Of course, this was pure gold, and naturally, those emeralds were real. Why on earth wouldn’t they be? Because not everyone was rich, and to others, this purchase made an actual difference in their lives. [color=FFE4C4]”That’ll do, thank you,”[/color] Hex mused, offering the woman a faint smile. Staring at her customer for a brief spell, Elsa whose name tag exposed her ownership of the store cleared her throat. “Of course!” She exclaimed, “would you like it gift wrapped?” [color=FFE4C4]”It would be lovely,”[/color] Casper finished, reaching into his pocket to produce a small, chrome card case.