The moment Astra's name left John's lips Kay suddenly realised what was happening. He was hallucinating the little girl that was his biggest regret in life. "John... John its not real" she tried telling him, touching him and quickly retreating her hand as he felt icy cold. "John listen to me, whatever she's saying, it's not herm she's not really here something is going on but it's not Astra, if she was really here I'd see her as well" she tried to get through to him as best she could but unsure if she was or not. Chas couldn't help but think it was a perfectly valid reason for why she didn't want either Kay or John around and near this thing they were having to hunt on the fly. "valid point" he replied, before they stopped in front of a kid's room and saw what was doing all of this. Seeing something going after a child made his blood boil, as like John, kids were his weakness. He stepped in front of Serena and stepped into the doorway, "hey asshole! Pick on someone your own size!" he called out.