[Center][Img]https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/E2tRcu0DjwrNooyBRtNkqyGA-G0/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2018/05/17/035/n/1922398/348b686e5afe158e61fcc2.49575310_/i/Michael-B-Jordan-Shirtless-Essence-June-2018.jpg[/Img][/center] [CENTER][I][h1][color=green]Floyd Banker[/color][/h1][/i][/CENTER] [Color=green]Time:[/color] Afternoon [Color=green]Location:[/color] San Francisco, Rita’s Apartment [Color=green]Interaction:[/color] [hr] “God damn it, so now you’ve made enemies with a guy whose a walking tin can.” Rita retorted shaking her head. Floyd had swung by her place with Darius to inform her of everything that went down at TAP. She was upset, but Floyd didn’t know.or understand the full extent of her irritation. She was skimming weight off the top of her loads from her brother & the rest of the Salzaras Cartel. That was the source of the drugs she was selling Floyd, the cause of his newfound wealth and an integral part of their relationship. It was more like a work-lationship, with an emphasis on “work”. But now this Lionel character was getting involved, this could make things more hectic. The arrival of altered humans & their various powers had served to complicate matters. Rita was of course grateful for her own powers as well as Floyd’s. In-fact without his own abilities she wouldn’t be sitting across the table from him right now. Lionel would have snapped his neck with utter ease & maybe Darius too. [I]Why the hell am I thinking about Darius, I mean I wouldn’t mind letting him hit once or twice. I dunno if he can handle all this ass, but I’m down to let him try [/I] Rita smirked amused at her own inner dirty thoughts about Floyd’s friend. If her brother were around he’d make a remark about how she certainly lived up to her reputation as a home-wrecker and friendship crusher. “Well I’ve got more bad news guys.” Darius had just walked back into the living room where Floyd & Rita were chatting about the Lionel situation. “Seth’s closing the place down, this fight was the last straw, you know he already had some health code violations & a pending investigation because of all the inconsiderate ass people dealing at the bar.” Darius glared at Floyd as he made his last comment, as Taste of Paradise was his favorite spot to hang. He derived lots of inspiration from kicking it there talking to strippers & other patrons. Floyd ignored Darius’s look, knowing he was making a sub jab at him. Sure he made some plays at TAP, but it’s not like he posted up there like he was out on the block. It just so happened that plenty of people wanted coke & pills at the club especially one filled with as many gorgeous strippers as that place. “Ok fuck, I mean wait I got an idea about TAP right, remember a few weeks ago how Seth was talking about selling the spot for like 50 racks.” “Yeah I remember, but the hell does that matter, I don’t have 50 racks, if you about to start going on and on about going into business again forget it. I like being able to rely on a paycheck, I’m not trying to go from that to worrying about paying a bunch of other people without even knowing how Imma get paid.” Darius refused he’d briefly entertained the idea of going into business with Floyd a few times over the past few months seeing how well Plug Rich Media was doing. But Floyd’s illicit activities worried him, and they’d stress him out if he was actually on paper with him. “Okay but look I do, and I got an idea, I’ll fund it, and even put you on payroll for the first 2 months we can sign the paper-work and everything, guanrateed out my pocket. And I’ve to a shell company I forgot about that I can use as the buyer, so me and you are’t tied together on paper, come on, you know it’s better to run TAP on your current salary with the potential to get way more by doing it, besides you’ll have more time to focus on graphic design if you run a business rather then work for one.” “Oooh, having an establishment like that under our possession would be useful, with my connects I can ensure we don’t have the same problems as your friend from any sort of investigation.” Rita chimed in, admiring Floyd’s business mind. She regretted her sexual thoughts about Darius, forgetting how much she liked being around Floyd & his business sense. “Shit the same salary…right now to run TAP, and still be a co owner & manager.” Darius asked raising an eyebrow, this offer was a little bit harder to refuse. As much as Floyd’s activities were worrying, if he had a legitimate shell company with history to pose as the buyer & front the funds he’d feel way more comfortable getting involved in the venture. At the end of the day he wasn’t touching or selling drugs, and as long as they didn’t convert the bathroom into a full blown dope operation he was far enough away that he felt he could sustain the place past the two months when he’d have to fully rely on the establishment’s income. Floyd’s mind was already spinning with ideas, ever since the conversation with Seth about selling the place that idea had been in the back of his mind. With the money he was touching form working with the Salzaras he wanted to expand his financial portfolio into other things besides stocks & crypto currency. But seeing as how he was already running Plug Rich on top of everything he was doing with Rita he didn’t have enough time in his schedule to occupy Plug Rich. That’s where Darius had came in, he’d worked with him in the past in the earlier days of Plug Rich back when they had both lived in Atlanta. That was in the earliest days of their friendship when Jo had first linked them together and he was at the drawing board with his media company. Unfortunately financial instability & a fall-out with his publisher as well as TIG limiting their opportunities for drastic company growth had strained Darius’s participation in the venture. Then moving to California last year was the straw that not just broke, but shattered the camel’s back. Floyd had missed working with him, and now that they both lived in the same city again, San Francisco of course he wanted to re-visit the idea of them working together. The most fun they’d had in the past was doing marketing & promo projects for strip clubs back in Atlanta, which had gained them free entry as well as making them popular with several of the strippers at the clubs the promoted. [I] Shit my nig ya know you wanna do this, we really going be getting paper at that point. Then washing all my bread from Rita going be even easier, dumb simple [/I] A gleam was in Floyd’s eyes as his brain “Alright fuck it if you draw up that paper-work I’m with it.” Darius finally gave in and Floyd grinned going to Rita’s desktop to put together the contract. Rita put a thumb to her in chin engaging in introspective thought about what Floyd’s purchase of this bar would mean for the future prosperity of his business & their illicit ventures. Two Hours Later Floyd had set up everything contract wise with Darius to make a move on TAP. Another reason he wanted to secure that location & business was everything going on with Altered Humans. He made plenty enough money right now, but in the event that he needed to immediately without warning disengage from illegal activities he wanted to rely on both TAP & Plug Rich Media. TAP was an already booming popular bar & strip club, of course being in California the rent for the property monthly was expense. But if he could get his hands on the current customer base Seth had already accumulated he felt confident he’d do well. Meanwhile he had another idea for a business venture that was forming in the corners of his mind. While he was prepared for a rematch with Lionel or rather as Rita suggested he needed to be training for one. He did want to dip his hands into another illicit venture. He was doing research on the market for artificial identification, searching customer bases on the hidden regions of the internet to accumulate numbers for his research. While he was doing that his phone started buzzing, and he took it out frowning when he didn’t recognize the number. He tented to avoid calls from contacts that weren’t saved in his line of business it was better to not be reached by some people. Still he had a feeling about this call, and decided to answer. “Hello.” Floyd answered nervously wondering who it was. “Is this Banker, Floyd banker.” A voice Floyd didn’t recognize spoke, he cursed mentally feeling a bit nervous that this could be related to Lionel in some way. “Depends whose this?” “Depends bruh, look I’m looking for Floyd, my names Brock, Brock Joiner, Frank’s dead, he told me to call this number if-“ Brock got cut off as Floyd let out a gasp and almost dropped the phone. Hearing the news about Frank’s sudden passing was shocking and had his head spinning. “Frank Lenatro?! How what happened, wait Brock…I..” Floyd paused for a second in the middle of his conversation. “I think he brought you up, one of his homies in the states, a pilot right, you use to run..” “Aye Aye we on the phone look bruh, Frank told me he was paranoid. He said he’d been working with you, and he thought somebody been on him the past two weeks. The way he was talking I thought it was the folks, but he told me it wasn’t He said he was doing a job for you out in Utah three days ago, and I found out he got clapped two days ago. They found his body lifeless at a hotel, no signs of blunt trauma or poison or anything shit’s crazy. “ Brock continued talking explaining the situation with Frank the best he could while being on the phone with him. After finishing he delivered one final message to Floyd, who was clearly upset with Frank’s untimely passing. Of course worry for himeslf was in the back of his mind, as Frank was someone he had moving weight to nearby illegal states. He’d started working with Frank five to six weeks ago, when he’d tried to pick pocket him. Frank had been unsuccessful which happened to be the first time that happened to him since the manifestation of his power invisibility. Thanks to the nature of Floyd’s ability he was able to witness him in the act, and prevent him shocking the invisible thief. From that point onward the confrontation was relatively time and shockingly enough ended up with Floyd offering Frank a job. Upon finding out he was an illegal immigrant who lost his job after a fight on the job with a racist co=worker. Admittedly he was a bit iffy involving Frank with him work wise since he’d first met him trying to steal. But realizing that Frank was using his powers for petty crime to feed his two four year old daughters had softened Floyd’s heart a bit. Besides his security team could use an invisible helping hand, but the real money had came from having him deliver pounds with his powers stealthily. But alas, all good things come to an end. Thus was the case with his operation with Frank, whom Brock was reporting had suffered a quite unusual end. After getting off the phone with Brock Floyd went to talk to Rita. H told her about Brock’s call & Frank’s reported death as well as what it meant for the & out of state deliveries. With that in mind he went to meet Brock in person who happened to not be far wanting to get a message, now the final message left to him from and by Frank.