[CENTER][img]https://i.postimg.cc/LXVZP8VT/e414bec1248f8d57e0e96b8fa1bbd547.png [/img] [color=silver]December 30th, Rear trench [/color] [/CENTER] [hr] Emmerich only received the notice that he was assigned to the team that would go to a trench raid after a good deal of time. While Emmerich was already used to being treated quite badly due his nationality, the soldier who came to warn him did seem to have other reasons than just prejudice. The man was panting heavily, sweating and disheveled, apparently he did spend a good time searching for him. It was quite ironic, considering that only had happened because some of the big shots often gave him either fake or pointless orders just to waste his time. Dismissing the soldier's anger and frustration with a heavy sigh, he simply nodded and calmly began making his way to the rear trench where the others were going to be, according to the orders he received. Emmerich arrived on the rear trench just to see most of the others who were going to join the mission already there. While it wasn't his fault that he was late, his late arrival and his distinct appearance would only made that fact even more obvious to those who were already present. Without saying a word, Emmerich simply nodded to those who were there before him as he walked past them giving them a quick look, just enough so he could identify their role and what they would do on the raid before going a few meters away from the group in order to wait and make a final check of his equipment before they had to leave. No matter what they thought of him, a greeting, even if a brief and silent one, was the minimum he should give to the others that were going to risk their lives together with him in a mission. It would also help to maybe avoid a potential 'accidental discharge' in his direction in the middle of the combat. As most of the others talked about their gear or even their hatred towards imperial soldiers, Emmerich silently checked his rifle and the ammunition. Unlike some who had customized equipment to a certain degree, some bringing animal companions or having personal sidearms, Emmerich's gear was simple. Being, for the most part, basically the standard shocktrooper gear and weapon, with the exception of his trench knife, an imperial model that had been with him since his time in the imperial army. The reason why he kept it with him wasn't emotional. Sure, that knife ended up having qutie a story and going through a lot of stuff with him but it was still a very good combat knife. Simple, sharp and resistant, the imperial model was designed with only one purpose in mind: combat. While it's shape made it easier for Emmerich to use it in emergency first aid, it wasn't useful for anything other than cutting and stabbing. Emmerich tried to keep his gear as light as possible, carrying as little as possible other than the bare essential for the mission. Being fast, silent, quick and most importantly, not getting tired easily, proved again and again to be essential to any raid. Bringing too much stuff would only drag someone down. While Emmerich kept mostly to himself, he couldn't help but to notice that some of the soldiers were a bit... excited for the oncoming raid, openly displaying their hatred towards imperials and boasting about what to do with the prisoners, at least until the officer who was going to lead them, Sgt. Schäfer from what he was told, quickly reprimanded them. It was good to know that the officer that was going to lead them had a good head over his shoulder. After the commotion ended, Emmerich raised his head, having finished the brief checkup of his equipment. [b][color=gray]"Finding an NCO will be annoying... but not impossible. I am familiar with Imperial tactics and how they organize themselves."[/color][/b] he mentioned in a direct and succint comment with a heavy imperial accent. While he didn't like to stand out, it would be better for all involved if they knew exactly where to go instead of having to search around.