[h3] Dean Winchester[/h3] Dean rolled his eyes slightly at Mika’s anger, having been down this road with her a million times. He sighed heavily, and lowered himself to the floor in front of her, sitting with his legs crossed. He placed both hands on his knees, leaning forward to try and meet her eyes better. “I’m not allowed, now to comfort someone? I met her when we were teenagers. It was honestly the worst time of my life, and…well…she was a very needed moment of normal. We never had sex, which you know, for me is not normal. We just needed each other…”, he muttered, being gentler than he normally would with her. There was no way she wasn’t in a world of pain, seeing him again after…well, Hell. They were all a little shaken up over it, still. He leaned forward a bit more, placing a finger on her chin, before kissing her lips lightly, smirking to try and lighten the mood, “Besides, I thought it was you that said labels were for suckers. I die and come back to a softy? Surely not…” [h3] Annabeth and Ruby [/h3] Ruby took a second to let her eyes turn back to their human brown shade, staring up at Sam with a glare and then over to the girl she only recognized from the APB hell had put out. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Sam…”, Ruby started. But Annabeth jolted forward, not having noticed the demons black eyes. She stretched a hand out, for Ruby to shake. This took Ruby aback, narrowing her eyes as if the girl was joking, “Um…” “Hi! I’m Annabeth. You can call me Anna…”, Annabeth chirped, feeling safe enough with Sam to introduce herself. Ruby stared at the hand in front of her and frowned, knowing exactly what this girl was capable of. Carefully, she stretched a shaky hand out and shook hands with her, giving a relieved sigh when nothing happened. “Ruby. Nice to meet you. How did you find her?”, Ruby asked Sam, her face still holding a bit of fear as she pulled her hand away. She bit her lip, wondering if she should tell the girl, or just report the news back to demons for some brownie points. She decided on the former, “She’s Lilith’s second…all of Hell is looking for her, and you’ve met her before. I have to go.” She then stood up, picking her bag off the floor as if to leave.