Serena nodded and said “yes I do” she waved her hand and her shadows shot out and wrapped around the creature, pulling it off of Chas and pulling it into the hallway all the way. Serena somehow stood up and her eyes glowed silver. “In the darkness of night and the call to the moon, I banish you back to the realm you belong! Be gone and free those you have trapped in nightmare!” She waved her arms and the shadows blasted the hooded one, it’s screams crying out until it vanished. Serena stood there, panting as the wheelchair was thrown back in the blast. She swayed on her feet and muttered “it’s…done…” John suddenly gasped as the spell broke thanks to Kay’s warmth and Serena banishing the creature. He looked sick as he fell back and said “what…was that…” he looked like he was going to pass out.