[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210530/727d54ef983e4c62eccae6eb30af7fd5.png[/img] [hr] Michele looked back at the man. At that point, she duplicated herself. Michele left a clone in her place and walked out to be adjacent to it alongside her other copies.  It seemed he was dead set on having her clear up the question she'd attempted to pose but never quite finished. To say she was terrified of the slow, menacing way in which he was approaching them was an understatement. "Why didn't you turn around? Those people did n-not deserve to die, they were simply following orders..." One of the copies spoke up with a nervous tone. Maybe the question would be sufficient for him, but she knew better than that. Ideally, Michele wouldn't have to witness [i]any[/i] murders as she had seen more than enough of her fair share back in Brazil, but this was different, much more different. The war between the Altered and the normals was only getting started, and Michele knew for a fact it was only going to get worse from this point on. "Look, I don't mean to tell you what to do, but we can't allow ourselves to contribute any more to this division. It [i]will[/i] make it worse for us.” [@The Man Emperor] [center]∘₊✧──────✧₊∘[/center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210530/c4f956fb068cfef9f3ee773f372881bf.png[/img] [hr] "I work for the Federal Security Service; I take it you’ve heard of us given your expertise in the field. No, I’m not actually American. I mean, I wasn’t even raised here,” she pointed out with a chuckle, turning around at that point. “Our targets vary depending on the mission. It could be a scientist,” she went on, recalling her job from earlier that day, “or it could be a high level official. Whatever they need, we’re tasked with making sure it gets done. Families are broken up and lives are sacrificed, and if you can look past that, then you’re suitable to work for me.” Anya then walked over to Marcus, invading his personal space as she ran her hands down the length of his arms. “You know, you’d be a lot better off if you had the Russian government backing you up. What do you say?” she added, looking up at him. [@FunnyGuy]