[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181111/6581c47a7eb2faebe2544c6e8b9c8695.png[/img][/centre] [hr] "Mr. X, huh? I wish I had more information on him," Astridur drummed her hands against her knees as she reviewed the information from the mission brief. It seemed like a simple mission, but everything seemed simple until you hit the field, at least that's how it was in her experiences. Objective one would be the most important, and because of that, likely the most difficult. Finding out who is running the show is rarely easy, and if the OMR didn't know already, then they would likely be digging around for information on this guy for awhile, unless they happened to catch him while they were there. Ha! Wouldn't that be nice! "It's a little weird though, who they're selling to, just as you mentioned," Astfridur spoke up, scratching the side of her head as she thought out loud, "They do seem ideologically incompatible. If one group gained any significant foothold, then surely the other two would have a bone to pick with them." She couldn't see any revolutionary faction being okay with either the neo-nazi group or a biker gang having a leg up on them. "Maybe this Mr. X just want to induce some chaos, huh? Use it as a blanket to cover something up, a bit of a distraction," The only problem with that line of thinking was that they had no idea [i]what[/i] he could be distracting anyone for. "Or maybe he's just fundraising. If he's selling guns, he could use the money." He could just be a simple arms dealer, flooding the streets with guns and ammo to fill his pocket. God, she hoped he was just a regular arms dealer. That would make this mess so much easier to clean up. "Anyway, enough of my stupid ramblings! I don't have a single question for ya, Madeleine! Thank you kindly for the brief!"