[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nODm5rf.png[/img][/center]In contrast to a number of other participants, Lydia had already signed off and prepared herself for the race pretty much as soon as she laid feet in Mevalo. Now that she had no one to look take care of other than herself, she could fully dedicate herself to the life of racing, make money, and spend it on herself and her ship. Ultimately, it was kind of a wasteful lifestyle, but it fit Lydia quite well. [color=turquoise][i]"I guess I could grab something to eat before the race begins?"[/i][/color] Lydia thought as she left a body modification shop and grabbed an energy drink from a vending machine. Lydia found what she was looking for in a food stall where she practically became a regular at this point, selling some cheap, deep-fried... things. [color=turquoise]"This isn't half bad, actually. Better than the bugs you had last time,"[/color] she said to the owner of the improvised shop as she munched on the unknown treat. In a world like Mevalo, it was hard to have a full picture of where everything came and went from, but at least there were tasty. [color=turquoise]"By the way, who are you betting on, old man?"[/color] she asked casually as she watched the pre-race show, gauging the competition, hopefully from a place where they couldn't get a read on her.[hr]