[hider=Woker] [h3]WOKER WIGHT[/h3] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ad3f29f5-d4fa-409b-8581-145d2cae8e1c/delfekw-056b7ba9-24b7-4210-aa2f-5856f428edf5.png/v1/fill/w_786,h_1017,q_70,strp/woker_by_nyxira_ulwun_delfekw-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTY1NyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2FkM2YyOWY1LWQ0ZmEtNDA5Yi04NTgxLTE0NWQyY2FlOGUxY1wvZGVsZmVrdy0wNTZiN2JhOS0yNGI3LTQyMTAtYWEyZi01ODU2ZjQyOGVkZjUucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.2v0d3LSRaj3utkRRpqbnx1fNutFnGrPeSlkECoxM5-c[/img] [color=gray](way overly rendered sketch)[/color] [color=aba000][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Daywake [color=aba000][b]Age:[/b][/color] 34 [color=aba000][b]Height:[/b][/color] 6'1" [color=aba000][b]Affiliations:[/b][/color] None [color=aba000][b]Number of Monsters to Beat:[/b][/color] As many as it takes. [indent][i][color=gray](I intend to stick around as long as the rp lasts)[/color][/i][/indent] [hider=ABILITIES] [i][color=gray]Type: Energy Manipulation[/color][/i] ⦁[b][color=aba000]Apparition-[/color][/b] Can manifest to hand various styles of guns which fire energy rounds of different levels depending on the style of the weapon formed. Naturally the more energy fired, the more energy drained from his person. The general output and effectiveness of these weapons is comparable to other energy-based projectiles of similar sizes in common sci-fi. They are limited in their ability to penetrate stone and metal and any attempt to do so would require a higher level of energy output, thereby bringing him closer to his limits. His method for fighting with these weapons is a sort of gun-fu. ⦁[b][color=aba000]Revenant-[/color][/b] Wounds sustained tend to glow and heal themselves. The speed and efficiency of the healing is dependent on how much energy he has left, so if he doesn't have enough at a given time there may be some scaring and he can definitely be downed. However, it's likely that he'll eventually recover once his energies build up enough. No matter how dead he might have appeared. ⦁[b][color=aba000]Distortion-[/color][/b] Can bend energy (light, in particular) around his body in order to render himself invisible. This can also be applied to objects near him or in his possession, but it gets harder to do the larger and further away something is from him. It is easier to manipulate his own vast stores of energy than it is that of other sources such as light. [/hider] [hider=STRENGTHS] ⦁[b][color=aba000]Stalwart-[/color][/b] He is quite fit, and it's clear from his physique and fighting style that he trains a lot. His body is physically strong and tough, and he pushes it as far as it can go. ⦁[b][color=aba000]Undying resolve-[/color][/b] He keeps going, even if it means recklessly pushing past his limits. To save even just one person, he would keep fighting until he is entirely immobilized. ⦁[b][color=aba000]Vigorous-[/color][/b] Possesses a great supply of energy, as one would have to if everything in their arsenal revolved around the use of such. His stores of power are certainly not boundless, but he has plenty at his disposal to be used in both his attacks and regeneration. It is also possible that he simply uses more of his natural energy than most people, and continues purely on willpower alone. [/hider] [hider=WEAKNESSES] ⦁[b][color=aba000]Reckless-[/color][/b] His determination and tendency to push past his limits are inevitably a double-edged sword. While he does keep pressing onward, he does not in any way conserve his energy, and as such is liable to exhaust himself. He doesn't know when to quit, which is not always for the best. ⦁[b][color=aba000]Recharge-[/color][/b] While he can keep going until his reserves run out, once he does it will take him some time before his energy builds up again enough for him to do anything. It is generally best for him to allow it to recharge fully before engaging in combat again, but if he does before that, he will simply not be able to fight for as long as he normally would. A full recharge can take at least a day. If severe wounds have been received while energy is low or spent, it can take longer. ⦁[b][color=aba000]Diffusion-[/color][/b] Some elements are capable of dispersing or diverting the energy in his projectiles to decrease effectiveness or accuracy of impact. Particularly strong electric fields, rain, fog, and thermal blooming are all such elements which can affect his long range attacks to varying degrees. In these cases it is generally best for him to move in for closer range combat if possible, or else switch to higher power output in order to mitigate the effects. In the latter case, as has been previously stated, his energy reserves will be more quickly depleted. Therefore diffusion is an effective method to wear him down. ⦁[b][color=aba000]Energy Disruption-[/color][/b] Such disruptors are naturally capable of disrupting his flow of energy. They can therefore be used to disperse his attacks, or alternatively be used to incapacitate the man himself. Single pulse disruption will stagger him momentarily, but a continuous pulse could render him entirely immobile. [/hider] [hider=ORIGIN STORY] [center] [i][color=aba000]Woker Wight died. Pathetically, hopelessly slain by a supernatural threat which had rendered all of his physical strength and training entirely useless. He'd been unable to do anything to it. Unable to protect anyone. Unable to make any difference whatsoever. As though he were little more than some meager pest that needed only be casually crushed under foot. He'd already been forgotten. Tossed aside like a broken toy as the enemy turned its attention to new ones. And there was nothing that he could have done. This knowledge -this deep, searing regret- flooded the last remains of his consciousness. Burning and consuming him to the very end, until his life at last left his body entirely and everything went dark. Then, suddenly, blinding light. It surged through him, the intensity of his dissatisfaction transformed into pure energy. Power unlike anything he'd ever felt. Light poured from his wounds, stretching across the empty spaces and stitching flesh back together. It hurt all over again, but he didn't feel weak from it. If anything, he felt stronger. He'd just died, and yet in that moment he had never felt more alive. Never felt more able to fight. Woker Wight rose to his feet. And he has been fighting ever since[/color].[/i][/center] [/hider] [/hider]