[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210320/c91c9f3bad6bc267bd08427484f4c949.png[/img] [hr]| April 10th, 2018 | Unidentified Location |[@Scribe of Thoth][@Asura][@Lord Orgasmo]| [hr] [/center] [indent] [color=c4df9b]"Is that so?"[/color] Clearly going along with the explanation rather than truly understanding it, Yori merely nodded her head as a courtesy, the frown not leaving her face. Talk about 'souls' and 'reborn selves' wasn't something that was usually considered to be realistic, but in the world of the supernatural, such things may not be as far-fetched as they seem. One only needed to look at her classmate, who was a result of such happenings, to understand that such things were the truth. With an expression that wished for a deeper dive into details but understood that there was no time for it, the green-haired student only hesitated for a moment before following behind the cat-eared guide. As she walked down the lengthy corridor, her eyes couldn't help but be drawn toward the occasional window. The darkened figures, unidentifiable shapes scattered across a sea of red, caused Yori's sullen look to only deepen. Her gaze quickly moved back to the path before her, grumbling something ill-mannered under her breath. The sight only solidified the fact that the group's location was in a place far removed from what would be considered ‘Japan’. Expected, but distasteful nonetheless. When the unnatural, more-mouth-than-body creatures appeared to bar the path toward the massive curtains, she would have no doubt released a shriek of fear had it not been for feline companion's notice. Even so, Yori couldn't hide her dread entirely, her pupils shrunken to pinpricks and sweat rapidly gathering in her palms and on her forehead, but at the very least she hadn't been the cause of spreading panic. Unlike before, where a single being had dragged them all through a mirror, there were now several of those monsters gathered in front of them that were certain to do more than just grabbing. Incapable of even running away, the previous instance of being unable to even scuff the arm that dragged them into the situation in the first place was no doubt reminding her of her uselessness. Yet, someone else seemed to be in an even worse state than her, the sound of someone hitting the floor catching her attention. Though it visibly pained her to look away from the monsters, Yori did so to glance at her fallen classmate, maybe only emboldened enough to do when Noriaki rushed ahead to engage the creatures. Watching Daigo crawl away, his desperation strong enough to throw away every last iota of dignity, a flash of envy flickered in her eyes toward the unenviable sight, only to morph into shock as her classmate suddenly curled up as if in pain. [color=c4df9b]"H-Hey! Are you..."[/color] Beginning with a stutter and quickly rising in strength, only for her words to trail off just as swiftly, Yori wasn't able to finish her sentence as a strange sequence of events occurred. A butterfly, like the ones that had entered the mirror, fluttered down to the fallen Daigo, but he had stamped it beneath his hand with a strength that contradicted his terror-induced state. Soon after, he rose the same hand, yet it held not a crushed insect but a card instead, one depicting some sort of symbol that she couldn't discern from where she was. His eyes, which Yori assumedly believed to have mirrored her own, showed a level of willpower that far surpassed what his timid stature displayed before as he rose from the ground. And after a blazing inferno, his attire mirrored such, donned in armor that mirrored the honored warriors from the past. For one to take Daigo’s appearance at face value, not much changed. He still carried a fluffy vibe around him, they were still outnumbered by the monsters, and compared to the mighty being behind him he looked little more than a child playing soldier. However, for the student whose legs regained their strength, it held more weight than gold. Unable to speak a word, the fear that overtaken her eyes before completely replaced by shock and awe, Yori was held in place by something else entirely as she watched Daigo launch into the offensive, standing on the sidelines as an observer to what could only be described as an 'Awakening'.[/indent]