“…” Jinny let out the tiniest huff of air at his question. She didn’t want to talk about it. Mostly because she wasn’t fully sure how to discuss what she had in her head. But still, she would try. “It’s not about the rabbit. The rabbit is dead and we’re probably going to eat it. That’s already done.” She frowned, pinky fingernail being nibbled at. “I figured out why I don’t have friends. Its because I’m like this, right?” She still wasn’t looking at him. “Because dead rabbits don’t bother me.” She huffed again, trying to gather her wayward thoughts into something concrete. It was proving difficult. “I guess people can tell when you aren’t like them, even if you don’t say so. Maybe I act different. I don’t know.” She sighed, her slender shoulders slumping. “I really don’t like it, Uncle. It means I’m going to be alone, right?” She could feel her eyes filling up with tears, but was trying very hard not to cry. “Part of me thought that it might be good, because then people can’t be taken away if I don’t have them. But that just kind of makes my tummy hurt. I don’t want to be alone forever.” Looking up slowly, she asked the sort of blunt question only a kid could. “Are you alone, too? Have you always been alone?”