Pete Tailor counted at least four more dead men from his rifle, and maybe one or two others who would probably die soon without a doctor. Not every shot was a hit, but he felt proud of his work. Once again, he had justified to the gang why they kept him around. Pete got down from his perch to return to his horse, blowing into the breach of his rifle. He'd have to clean it properly later, but this would do for now. Once his gear was put back on Kaiser, he made his way down to the spot where the rest of the gang had been. His first reaction was to check the pockets of some of the men they killed, but once he saw poor Jamie, he could only stop and stare. "Shit..." was all he could say while wiping the sweat from his brow. When Elijah gave him orders to help bury the poor kid, he simply nodded and pulled his army issue entrenching tool from Kaiser. Digging the grave didn't take very long, and he helped Seth place Jamie's body inside. "I didn't know Jamie well." said Pete, taking off his hat in reference. "But he I knew he was a good man and a good brother." He offered the shovel to Seth in case he wanted to do the honors. Either way, he knew he was going to buy poor Seth a beer or three once they got to town.