[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eMZSzIo.png[/img] 5"9 | 175 lbs[/center] [u]Name[/u] [indent]Prince Vaeron Targaryen[/indent] [u]Age[/u] [indent]16[/indent] [u]House[/u] [indent]Targaryen[/indent] [U]Personality[/u] [indent][list][*]Reserved [*]Courageous [*]Sarcastic[/list][/indent] [u]Weapon of Choice[/u] [indent]A longsword dubbed [url=https://i.pinimg.com/474x/db/66/87/db6687886bc99ee31fe4b3f35310f9b6--dragon-longsword-swords.jpg]Dragonclaw[/url].[/indent] [u]Talents[/u] [indent][list][*]Diplomacy [*] [*]Has memorized [i]Wonders Made by Man[/i][/list][/indent] [u]History[/u] [indent]Born the eldest son of the King of Westeros, Vaeron has his life set out for him. From the time he was young, he had followed Maekar's plans for him well with the intention of embracing his role as heir to the throne. As a child, he was plagued with dreams he didn't understand and found himself having trouble sleeping. His dreams led him to strange places and instilled a fear of the unknown in him. In an effort to comfort him and educate him of the world, he was gifted the book [i]Wonders Made by Man[/i] by his uncle, Aerion. Said book did more than alleviate his fears, as the tales of Lomas Longstrider's travels fascinated him. No longer did his dreams take him to frightening places, but instead he dreamt of seeing the wonders. He read the book countless times, often blabbering about it to anyone who would listen. Eventually, Allyria suggested that he should take a tour of the Free Cities when he came of age. Vaeron ended up keeping close track of the months, wishing time would flow faster so that he would be free to walk in Longstrider's footsteps. Until then, Vaeron played his part dutifully. There was some minor strain with his father as he reached his teenage years, with the expectations of the realm weighing heavily on him. He understood his place and the importance of family and was determined to live up to his father's wishes. However, strange dreams began to plague him once again, and he withdrew from most people. This time nothing could comfort him, not sweetsleep nor the stories that had once freed him. The dreams were incomprehensible and relentless as exhaustion couldn't save him from having them. Once a month passed, the king was about to send for the maesters of the citadel when Vaeron emerged from his chambers, the first thing out of his mouth after confirming he was alright was asking his father for permission to sail to Essos, as his last dream depicted him seeking out the Wonders Made by Man. Maekar granted his wish with the stipulation that he wait until after his birthday to assure him of his health. Vaeron agreed, and after a celebration marking his coming of age, he gathered his friends and set off to the Wall, the first of the Wonders. [/indent] [u]Relations[/u] [indent]"I AM the senate" [b]Maekar[/b]: Father, loves his son but they butt heads; currently trying to help mediate a dispute between some of the lords [b]Allyria[/b]: Mother, pregnant; worried about Vaeron's dreams [b]Visenya[/b]: Sister (12) annoying little sister; Maekar is seeking a betrothal for her [b]Baelor[/b]: Brother (8) annoying little brother [b]Aerion[/b]: Uncle that likes to party and loves him some whores; gifted Vaeron the book [b]Lira[/b]: admires her swordsmanship skills and honorable personality and thinks the world of her 10/10 [b]Garish[/b]: thick as THIEVES haha gettit [b]Bors[/b]: its ya boy [b]Greyjoy[/b]: - [b]Peake[/b]: -[/indent] [u]Trivia[/u] [indent][list][*]Carries a signet ring with the Targaryen's symbol engraved into it; was informed this would help identify him to his hosts in Essos [*]Has recurring dreams that leave him troubled when he awakens[/list][/indent]