[color=0072bc][h1][center]Ty Westgrove[/center][/h1][/color] [color=0072bc][h3][center]Vareena Town[/center][/h3][/color] The trainers' and gym leader's actions in the aftermath of the battle gave Ty enough time to catch up just as they were leaving to go to the gym. It looked like [i]something[/i] went down, but it seemed to be all over, at least for the moment. [color=0072bc]"I'm here?"[/color] Ty announced, sounding more confused than heroic. [color=0072bc]"Uh... jeez, what happened? Is he okay? Are we okay? Who is this?"[/color] The punk trainer approached the unconscious stranger and sent out his Igglybuff, who immediately got the picture. Medic didn't have the power to even detect that something was wrong with Rheese's mind, much less heal it. She saw Rheese's burn as she checked him over, though, and started using Heal Pulse to do what she could for that. [color=0072bc]"Should we call somebody?"[/color] Ty continued his flurry of questions to anyone who may answer, already pulling his C-Gear out. [color=0072bc]"Also hi,"[/color] he offhandedly addressed the pink-haired stranger.