[h2]Corinne and Liliane[/h2] Corinne, of course, did the only appropriate thing when confronted by a mass of skeletons for the first time and you were particularly scared of them: let out a high-pitched shriek and try to get as many people between her and them as possible. Not that the second was entirely a [i]bad[/i] idea for a mage, but Liliane seemed altogether unimpressed with it, looking between her daggers and the other Hundi before giving her a poke on the cheek. Whether she had any options for dealing with skeletons or not, it was obviously an excessive use of resources when someone better at it was [i]right there[/i], and after the prompting (and with the generous assistance of closing her eyes to not need to look at the things yet), the sound of probably-Elven chanting started. At least the growing fireball atop the staff showed exactly what Corinne was planning.