[img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRH2nQW2EZRT53Hobj2U4-ui5XhFhkCMuobrw&usqp=CAU[/img] Name: Estraexir Bloodworth age: 57 bio: Estraexir wasn’t the most athletic of the Bloodworth line. Luckily the Bloodworths weren’t chosen to rule for their athleticism, or even their intellect. The Bloodworth line was chosen because they were a powerful bloodline of sorcerers. The people seeing it as a divine right to rule. Estraexir spent his childhood buried in the study of the mystic arts. Intrigued by their mysteries. As he grew older his fascination grew. He found himself a wife, and had himself a son. Things were going well, and he started leaning away from the mystic arts. Focusing more on his kingdom. Then his son found a commoner wife, he was mad, but held it together. Leaning further into his kingdom. He started to become distant from his wife, as she fell sick. When his wife died, something inside of him snapped. He started fervently studying the dark arts. Driven mad, in an attempt to bring back his wife. During his mad plunge into the void, he discovered an entity. One that would change his life for ever. Any semblance to the pleasant king who he had once been was gone. Replaced by a power hungry tyrant. role in the story: King of the Invading land. other(optional): The entity has taught him how to create a perverted and corrupt version of the philosophers stone, and he has created a [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvsCssuF_3RQCUGiJD8tGyYy6Bs2OPZApHjQ&usqp=CAU]staff [/url]around it. Also still working on finding images for the rest of the artifacts he has collected over the years of his research.