[img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/842593220734746665/843489685509898270/image0.jpg[/img] [h1][color=33ff99][b]Nikushimi Shinsetsuna[/b] [sub]The Malicious Hero[/sub][/color] [/h1] [color=33ff99]"Good...Good."[/color] The number of heroes with a desire to improve under serious conditions was indeed fortunate. Japan needed this kind of heroism. As the interns gathered around their chosen pro heroes, it became clear where everyone was going, Yozoru, Keiji, Shinon, Konig, and Emiho would be her interns. [color=33ff99]"Well, students. I like what I am hearing...But - and let this sink in - the training you are going to endure under my guidance will, as they say, separate the heroes from the dreamers. You will either emerge from Emerald Miasma as a group of professional heroes with the skill and capability to surpass Zeal as if he were a child, or you won't at all."[/color] There was zero pull in the punches of Nikushimi's words, she was being dead honest. They would endure something very harsh, if they can't give it their all in training, they can't give it their all in practice. [color=33ff99]"Now. Your teachers will excuse you whenever you need to be, and I will see to it that you're brought to the agency whenever it is time to train, which will be every day of the week after your classes. The logistical side of it all will be handled, all you need is to act like you want this. Let's go."[/color] She turned around abruptly and walked out, with her anklebiting promises in tow. When the lot of them made it to the entrance, a number of vehicles sat outside belonging to various pros, the one closest to the was a black, spacious vehicle with a well-dressed man with goat horns waiting outside. This was Haikeo, the driver. [color=silver]"Good evening, Eirei students, shall we?"[/color] [color=33ff99]"We're ready, take us back."[/color] Roughly a half hour drive later, and the entire group appeared outside a rather unsuggesting penthouse. It simply looked like the home of a wealthy person who lived in mellow comfort. A gate opened, and they were brought inside. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.EvgClThqRlThTtt1iCo3FAHaEo%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] There wasn't much to say, provided the students kept their jaws off the floor. [color=33ff99]"This is the Emerald Miasma Agency. Do not be fooled by the citizen-like interior. Everything you will need is below the floor. Hidden away."[/color] They all stood in the common room, like guests to a party, but Nikushimi strode across the floor to a wall, as she tapped a certain spot on it, the entire wall opened up to reveal an elevator. One trip later, everyone was in a training ground. They stood atop a staircase flanking a balcony to a vast, spacious field that was designed to accommodate virtually any quirk and fighting style. The entire room felt several times larger than the house they were just in. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.6-E_GHzhzTZShntYPLi4kQHaET%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [color=33ff99]"This is where we will all train for most of your time spent here. In this room, you do not need to worry about damage, or casualties, unless told otherwise. Whatever you could do with your quirks at Eirei, you can do better here. I will push every single one of you to the absolute limit in this very room, and you will be lucky to leave here alive. To restate: There are no limits here. A real hero knows the absolute limits of their quirk, and you will only find that limit, when you're able to explore it."[/color] A moment of silent passed, as Nikushimi allowed her interns to take in everything she just said, needless to say, they were already moving quite fast, they had to, to keep up with everything around them that was changing. This was their world now. [color=33ff99]"There's a catch though. Your first assignment, is to face me."[/color] She declared, leaping off the balcony down to the open arena below. [color=33ff99]"The five of you have proven to show great promise at Eirei; Emiho's empath quirk, Yozoru's speed, Shinon's power...it's all useful. But the question I have is, how will all of you fare against an opponent who greatly outmatches you?!"[/color] She shouted, cracking her knuckles. [color=33ff99]"You are all going to come at me with the intent to kill, however you want, and you will [i]earn[/i] your place here. Coordinate, overpower me, form a strategy, or fumble over each other, I don't care."[/color] She stared at the lot of them with the most unintimidated look she could make. [color=33ff99]"Do your worst. All of you. Prove to me that you deserve to be heroes."[/color] Every student at Eirei academy is issued a nanotechnology watch that is configured manually to match the schematics of their hero outfits. For example, Yozoru’s engine of creation immediately forms out of nowhere with a radiant glow of light, while Shinon’s priestly vestments seek to just flow into being. In short, you press a button, you’re ready for battle.