[hider=Amber Shade Hacker] Looks: [img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8b/37/a2/8b37a26f5f11ad60f677d3075a63f483.jpg[/img] In game looks: [img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/35/26/fc/3526fca5af9eaa620475a131a62cf1e6.jpg[/img] Age: 17 Amber is a lone wolf when it comes to life, being alone in the real world. But in the game she is a guardian of sorts. Always looking out for the little guy and never shys from a fight against a bully. She doesn’t stand for anything that might seem on the wrong side. But she never judges others before she knows them. Partners: Renemon (shadow style) [/hider]