I've been noticing that a lot of the people I enjoy roleplaying with aren't online as often as I am, so I wanted to get a couple more roleplaying buddies to keep myself occupied while I wait for them. I'm not the BEST at writing stories or designing characters, but ill make sure to respond to you as soon as possible. I really just need a roleplay partner who knows the difference between their, there, they're and you're, your. You dont need to write 10 paragraphs during a roleplay, but I'd like at least 5 sentences. The characters I normally play as are "Mei Xiao" And "A-yeong". Anyway, if anybody is interested in being my roleplay partner OR just talking to me like normal humans, let me know. By the way, I do have a list of roleplays that I'm looking for and a link to my character sheets in my bio. Check it out, I guess ^.^