Kukui exhaled in depression at the situation he'd found himself in. In an effort to not draw attention to himself and to avoid anyone seeing his abilities, Kukui decided to sail in the more empty oceans, away from most islands and trading routes. What Kukui wasn't expecting was that he wasn't the only one with this idea, as a group of pirates laying low was also in those waters. Talk about unlucky! They quickly saw his small vessel and captured him. And once they realized the boat he was in was connected to him it only got worse! A strike to the back of his head and a pair of Sea Prism cuffs later and he now finds himself being readied for what he could only describe as a "Death Match". He gulped at the thought. Being forced to ... kill someone. He had been preparing for it sure, wanting revenge and all, but the thought of killing a random person he didn't even know hurt him. [color=00a651]"I have to get out of here, no matter what."[/color] He whispered to himself as he experimented with his fingers what his body was still able to do with the cuffs on, trying to make twigs grow from his fingers.