[h3] Dean Winchester [/h3] Dean watched as Esme stepped up to him with the tweezers. He had hoped she would be the one to do the cleanup, considering how he had to leave her earlier. He sighed when she handed things to Mika, holding his hands out to her for her to clean. “I’m going to have to talk to her, eventually, you know…”, he muttered to Mika, wincing as she picked glass from his hands, “If we make it through this, she deserves an apology…from both of us.” He gave her a stern look, leaning up and kissing her nose to diffuse any annoyance he might have caused. He sighed, flinching now and then. [h3] Annabeth [/h3] Annabeth frowned when Sam stepped in front of her and stated that it was a trap. He didn’t trust her, but also wanted to keep her safe. It was reassuring, and insulting. She looped her fingers into his belt loops as they stepped into the school. The silence was deafening as they walked, only the sound of Sam’s heavy boots making striking the ground in the empty hallways. The silence was broken by laughter, as they stepped around a corner. Annabeth gasped, as a man came into view, his bright white teeth glowing in the darkness, it seemed. “Sam Winchester.”, the man chirped loudly, holding his hands out toward them, “…and his whore.” “Sam…”, Annabeth whispered from behind him, pulling at the back of his pants, begging him to leave with her. She didn't want to be near demons, or potentially hurt him while using whatever powers she only just learned that she had. “Aww. Let her go, Sam. Let her see what she can do…”, the man chimed in again, as his eyes shifted to black. Without hesitation, Annabeth stepped out from behind Sam, her mind instantly going to his safety, and stared at the man, “…Oh how cute is she?! She thinks she's going to protect the great Sam Winchester. From little old me?” The demon's words angered Annabeth to the point that she stepped forward even further, removing herself completely from Sam, with her hand extended. When enough distance was between Sam and Annabeth to separate them, another, larger male came out of the dark corridor beside them, wrapping both his arms around Sam and dragging him back. "SAM!", she screamed, turning and running after him, "Sam?!" She chased them both, watching Sam as the lights illuminated his face at every window. Then, they turned down a corridor and disappeared. She turned in a circle, her eyes turning white as she panicked. "You're so cute! It's no wonder they want you...I just want to eat you up.", the first demon spoke as he slowly approached Annabeth's panicked form. She threw a hand out to try to use her powers, causing the demon to laugh, and clap a hand against her throat, throwing her through the nearest door, where Sam was being held inside.