When Serena woke up and asked him what time it was, he looked down at his watch to check as he wasn't entirely sure himself. "9:30am it seems" he replied as the nurse finished up doing her checks. "the doc will be in to see if he's happy for you to be discharged or not, won't be long" she told Serena. At the sound of John's voice Kay opened her eyes, even though she had actually half woken up a bit before. "your body temperature went down too drastically, put you into shock pretty much." she said, unsure of how much she should actually say. She also figured the use of saying he went to shock from hyperthermia would explain any possible hallucinations as she didn't want him knowing what Serena and Chas had to do. "but you're alright now. The nurses fixed you up, that's the main thing" she added to him, suddenly realising or more precisely, remembering she had cuddled into him on his bed and suddenly feeling a smidge bit awkward about it.