In the Anima Prime RPG system, the gameplay loop goes something like this: [list] [*]Decide whether to Maneuver or Strike. Maneuvers set up Strikes and can increase the power of Strikes. Strikes deal damage. [*]If you decide to Maneuver, take some dice from your Action Pool (like Energy from those bad MMOs), and any successful rolls go into the Strike Pool (or Charge Pool if you "crit," used for epic moves). Complement your roll by describing your character doing something cool. [*]If you decide to Strike, take some dice from your Strike pool and roll them. Successes deal a Wound on the target. Describe in your post what that looked like. [*]When all enemies have fallen, the GM distributes rewards to all the involved players, such as a story McGuffin or a new Skill, kind of like what [@The Irish Tree] was [url=]suggesting[/url]. [/list] There's obviously a lot more detail to the system, but that's my impression of its fundamental gameplay. As you can see, it doesn't require any sort of grid-based movement or anything; it's just abstracted enough to work for forum gaming.