[@Nytem4re] No one here is arguing that nothing should be done. All [@Ammokkx] and I are saying is that we haven't personally experienced this problem and would like to know more about it before pitching support for a change to rules and/or the way the mods have handled it historically. For example, what constitutes bigotry? What counts as a post that warrants punishment from moderators? I'm all for making marginalized groups feel safer if they are experiencing harassment here (honestly, if it's a big problem that the mods are *actively* ignoring, then I'm all for rallying to fix it). I just want [i]specifics[/i] on what's been going on and how a solution would be done because other sites have overreacted to issues like these in the past and overcorrected in a way that punishes people who aren't even part of the problem. I'd hate to see that happen on the Guild. Also, turning our questions around on us as if we're your enemies doesn't help the case. Whenever anyone wants to enact change, they're the ones with the burden of proof as to why the change should be made. Our asking for that proof isn't unreasonable in the slightest, and it isn't an attack on the original proposal. We just want more information. That's all. I don't know about Ammokkx, but I don't have a discord account, so I can't participate there or look at the conversations that have been happening. Ultimately my question is what change would be made to the rules and how would it be at all different from a harassed user telling a mod about the problem, so the mod can step in and address the person who's attacking marginalized people? I'd appreciate more details than just someone repeating the same thing over again, please and thanks.