[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/dezire-stacked-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210424/bbebba7ac89ac6bc01d0a7a3634012f5.png[/img][/url] [/center] [Color=gold][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mall - Sporting Goods [Color=gold][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Viktor/Rain [@FunnyGuy] [Color=gold][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] None [hr] Viktor wrote off the possibility of the store having anything the gym didn't, so that was good enough for Felix. Still, he could imagine Viktor putting a single dumbbell to way better use than he would even think to. Viktor seemed to be searching something out, even if he didn't know what it was. And Felix was content just to follow along and peer at all the various equipment. Passing through a lawn games section, he was astounded by all the different sets of equipment people bought to set up simple games. He almost didn't notice when Viktor stopped in the middle of the aisle to stare at a bucket of baseballs. Good thing he did, or Felix may have missed the smile. Holy shit Viktor was smiling. Felix glanced at the bucket and back to Viktor's face. Interesting. There was a certain excitement to Viktor's actions as Felix helped him collect all the baseball equipment. [color=gold]"Well..."[/color] Felix trailed off, unsure how we would prefer to answer this question. He was in a habit of glamorizing and exaggerating his life, but that was for the cameras. He might have gone on about some fancy futuristic sport with heavy use of hard light obstacles and rocket boots. Or he might have said he got his exercise running missions for the resistance against the Robot Overlords. But the truth was less exciting. He eyed a rack of soccer balls they passed by. [color=gold]"Well the caretakers took us through a lot of calisthenics, and me and some of the other kids found an old weight bench. I was still pretty small then and couldn't do much with it though. Mostly we played basketball or futball. We could use any old court or empty space, long as we had a ball."[/color] He could recall games out on the empty lot, barefoot kids running through the dry yellow grass, passing a ball back and forth between makeshift goals. Or was it on the beach? Had he lived near a beach? Sometimes? Details... He continued.[color=gold]And then I came here and had to bulk up a bit to join in on Booster's missions. Turns out a face like mine paired with a fit bod really sells, so I really threw myself into training..."[/color] Felix trailed off, then raised his arms drawing attention back to the equipment. [color=gold]"So you thinking team baseball match? Really out to see how much damage we can do in our first week huh? I'm down."[/color]