[quote=@Thinslayer] I'm thinking we should let the players do it so they can adjust their character sheets as necessary. Regarding the post requirements, I don't feel that we need to change much. If I'm not mistaken, we still have our minimum of 5 people who signed up. Additionally, group RPs with slower posting rates can be really frustrating to participate in. Even with daily posting, in a group of five, it can take about 5 days for any given person to get the chance to reply. With every other day posting, that doubles to 10 day intervals. 5-10 days is a LONG time to wait for a chance to reply. So you may want to evaluate the benefits of having more players vs the benefits of having more story content. You're the top GM, so the decision is ultimately yours, though. [/quote] Both of those are very good points. I suppose we dont have to tweak it that much. I've seen many roleplays die down because the GM didn't have a post requirement.