[Color=lightblue]"I'm certainly glad you asked!"[/color] The kitsune grinned excitedly. [Color=lightblue]"Where would you like to start? The forlorn lover? The myriad deaths? The deadly curse...?!?!"[/color] It certainly sounded like trouble, whatever it was. Was this some kind of murder investigation or…? [Color=yellow]"Oh, you're talking about the Honjo House, right?"[/color] Gotou cut in. [Color=yellow]"They finally decided to address it,"[/color] He nodded. [Color=yellow]"That's certainly admirable of them."[/color] [Color=lightblue]"Where's your sense of drama?!"[/color] The furious Kitsune started pounding Gotou's arm with a series of devastating blows, but no harm was really meant, and none was taken by the barkeep. The Honjo House was fairly famous in the area. It lay on the outskirts of Sentouji, and had supposedly been haunted for years. A messy trail of owners made it hard to keep the story straight. It'd seen murders, accidents, collapses, and more every time it switched hands. You name it, the Honjo House had it happen. Or so the story goes. [Color=yellow]"Are you supposed to do an exorcism? You're certainly the most qualified to do that of anyone here tonight, Aki-san,"[/color] Gotou said. [Color=lightblue]"Are you kidding me?! That'd be way too much work. Besides, they don't even know whether it needs an exorcism or not."[/color] Aki replied. [Color=lightblue]"This is strictly an investigation, if it's within my ability to solve then I have permission to solve it. They just want some solid information first."[/color] [Color=lightblue]"There might be a ghost, or it might be Oni, who knows?"[/color] She shrugged. Aki turned towards her chosen victims for the night. [Color=lightblue]"Is that enough information for you?"[/color] She asked playfully. [@Crowvette] [@Vega7285] [@TheMushroomLord]