Is this the one? [@Dark Cloud] [hider=Dexter] [center] [img][/img] [/center][center][h1][color=crimson]- Dexter -[/color][/h1][hr][hr]|| [b][color=crimson]Age:[/color][/b] 18 || [b][color=crimson]Gender:[/color][/b] ♂ || [b][color=crimson]Race:[/color][/b] Demon || [b][color=crimson]Lineage:[/color][/b] Full-blooded || [b][color=crimson]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Straight ||[hr][hr][/center][hider=Powers][list][*] [b][url=][color=crimson](Semi) Indomitable Pride:[/color][/url][/b] [i]Dexter possesses a strong sense of pride albeit mostly as an effect of his ego. However it isn't unshakable in any sense of the word, as the boy is highly emotional and quite susceptible to other emotions.[/i][*] [b][url=][color=crimson]Emotion Manipulation:[/color][/url][/b] [i]Dexter can sense pride and happiness in people and animals, and can instill positive emotions within people by increasing their brains dopamine. However he can only really use his ability for focusing on one individual at a time.[/i] [/list] [/hider][hr][hr][center][h1][color=crimson]- Personality -[/color][/h1][hr][hr]|| [b][color=crimson]Opinionated[/color][/b] || [b][color=crimson]Haughty[/color][/b] || [b][color=crimson]Sarcastic[/color][/b] || [b][color=crimson]Emotional[/color][/b] || [b][color=crimson]Proud[/color][/b] || [b][color=crimson]Egotistical[/color][/b] ||[hr][hr][/center][center][h1][color=crimson]- Bio -[/color][/h1][/center] Before he was brought to this world Dexter was a being from a place known as the Void where his kind lived, but it wasn't an easy way of life for most of it's inhabitants. If you were weak, you were consumed for your mana and the only escape from such brutality was a fate worse than death. The only way of leaving this way of life is by giving up one form for that of a fallen body, and in the end Dexter decided to sacrifice everything to escape being consumed for his mana...[hr][hr][center][h1][color=crimson]- Skills & Talents / Knowledge -[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr][hider=Skills & Talents][h3] [sup][color=crimson][b]Skills[/b][/color][/sup][/h3][list][*] N/A[/list][h3][sup][color=crimson][b]Talents[/b][/color][/sup][/h3][list][*] N/A[/list][/hider][hr][hr][hider=Knowledge][h3][sup][color=crimson][b]General Knowledge[/b][/color][/sup][/h3][list][*] N/A[/list][/hider][hr][hr][center][h1][color=crimson]- Items -[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr][hider=Clothing][list][color=crimson][b]Formal Cloths:[/b][/color] [i]Dexter wears a nice white long-sleeved dress shirt underneath a black woollen vest that hangs down slightly over his lower body. He also is wearing a pair of black shorts, and a pair of black leather dress shoes.[/i][/list][/hider] [/hider]