[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/089b2f6e-85bf-47fc-a7ce-649e8699e678.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent] [color=lightblue]"That's the way!"[/color] Mira cheered Noriaki on, though she stopped to dig her sword into the shadow closest to her. The feeling was familiar, her body all too used to the movements. It was exhilarating, the urge to charge forth and throw caution to the wind overwhelming, but she knew better than to ditch three vulnerable people. She remained close, ready to deal with anything that decided to mess with them. The loss of two shadows didn't seem to deter the rest as they swarmed and surrounded the group. Once the flames consumed Daigo, however, they backed away from the source. Mira winced slightly, her hand covering her golden eye as she turned to him. After seeing his Awakening, however, she ignored her eye as she let out a yell of excitement, practically bouncing in place. [color=lightblue]"I never thought I'd be so happy to see my Sun!"[/color] She practically squealed in delight, completely overjoyed. [color=lightblue]"See? I told you, you had the potential!"[/color] As she said that, however, her expression fell as she heard something in the distance. Was the big guy coming to them? No, it was something else, wasn't it? Had it been Daigo's Awakening that caused the feeling? She couldn't really tell, but it made her a little nervous. They hadn't finished with all the small fry just yet, but she felt like they couldn't stay here for too long. At the very least, [color=lightblue]"Let's cut our way through and keep going,"[/color] She told the crew, motioning for them to follow suit. Once they managed to cross into the room, the doors closed behind them, blocking the shadows from following. Surprisingly, the room made it seem like they had gone outside. Grass and stone were now beneath their feet, a myriad of vines snaking up the stone walls and fading into a pitch-black ceiling. A well sat in the middle of the room. Mira frowned as she looked around, scratching her head. [color=lightblue]"Weird, I can't sense him anywhere,"[/color] She said, her eyes landing on the well. [color=lightblue]"...unless it's in there."[/color] [/indent][hr][sub][right][@Scribe of Thoth][@Asura][@Lord Orgasmo][@RiverMaiden][/right][/sub][hr][indent] [color=gold]"Yes. We'll check in with Nakano periodically, so I suggest you stay on your best behavior,"[/color] Taniguchi said, albeit he didn't bother sticking around as he decided to rejoin the other teachers. Suzuki resisted the urge to roll her eyes, focusing instead on Maki. [color=gold]"How about you and Asakura head on over together? Nakano-san will answer any questions you might have,"[/color] She suggested. [/indent][hr][sub][right][@WXer][@psych0pomp][/right][/sub][hr][indent] Sakuya was relieved that at the very least Ueno was on her side. That said, she was a little confused by her line of questioning. Delinquency was usually the result of some bored people, she couldn't really say there was any particular source. Well, they had a ringleader and a few idiots running around, but that wasn't really out of the ordinary. Still, there [i]was[/i] that conversation yesterday, wasn't there? [color=salmon]"There's the accident in the gym that happened, but I don't think Yamamoto would've cared much about that. It's also off-limits,"[/color] She would divulge that much. [color=salmon]"By what I saw and experienced, I'd chalk it up to male frustration."[/color] Sora blinked slowly, looking at her curiously. [color=dodgerblue]"Male...frustration?"[/color] He repeated. [color=dodgerblue]"What do you mean?"[/color] Letting out a sigh, Sakuya shrugged. [color=salmon]"He came onto me yesterday and I rejected him. By his words, I assume the same thing happened with Mina. The string of rejections led to frustration, thus he lashed out."[/color] Sora shifted his weight from one foot to the other, uncomfortable. [color=dodgerblue]"O-Oh..."[/color] [/indent][hr][sub][right][@Obscene Symphony][@Entityx][/right][/sub][hr]