The multiverse theory is real. Many, if not all of the pop culture, fiction, alternate realities, you can think of exist. That said, you are a normal human on regular earth who is recruited into the Reincarnation Wars. You unlock your past "souls" or lives that you have lead before. They can be anything from anything, within the rules listed below. So your past souls could be Goku, Harry Potter, and Bart Simpson. You unlock those characters skills and abilities. So you would have magic and super saiyan powers and the ability to ride a skateboard. You then use these powers to partake in the RW, which are essentially fighting people like yourself who want to do something you want to stop (Like destroy, take over, enslave, whatever) the multiverse. For some of the settings we will visit, some of them include the DC Injustice universe [b]Character Creation: [/b] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Age[/b]: [b]Appearance: [/b] [b]Home[/b]: (Like where in the world they are from) [b]Profession[/b]: [b]Any relevant details:[/b] [b]Souls[/b]: [b]Example Character Sheet: [/b] [b]Name[/b]: William Green [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Appearance[/b]: [​IMG] [b]Home[/b]: London, England [b]Profession[/b]: Illusionist [b]Any relevant details:[/b] [b]Souls[/b]: Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Tellah (Final Fantasy VI) [b]Rules for Past Lives:[/b] You will begin with 3 past lives you're the reincarnation of and unlock more later (a maximum of 10). Try to keep the power level at about MCU top tier characters like Scarlet Witch, Thanos, etcetera. Or, since this is a Star Wars board, you could start with characters at around top tier Jedi and Sith at maximum, but could be the reincarnation of even more powerful characters, eventually. Other rules are, you can't start as the reincarnation of characters that would make no sense for you to be. You can't, for example, be both Darth Vader and Sidious at the same time, they are both alive at the same time. [b]The Plot:[/b] -WIP- But for now, the player characters are trying to survive mysterious attempts on their lives, discover their powers, and then all come together.