[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210614/14fa0d8407a8d2b2569c959797770061.png[/img][/center] [h2]Walled City Kowloon[/h2] [hr] Before long Roku had made his way back to where Maki was. Digimon walking around by themselves wasn't unusual in Arcadia, especially in Kowloon. However, most tended to stay near their Tamers. "So how long are we going to have to wait?" the Digimon asked. "[i]Why don't you go ask the guy when he's gonna leave?[/i]" Artha's sarcastic voice came from Maki's Digivice. "[i]I'm sure he'll be more than happy to answer you.[/i]" "Hmph!" Roku crossed his arms over his chest. "Like any good hunter, we need to be patient. I've got all day to follow this guy." "[i]Yeah, but when do we get to eat?[/i]" It was Issie's voice now. "[i]I'm hungry.[/i]" "[i]You're always hungry.[/i]" "We'll get some snacks in a bit. Promise."