"International Agent, drop the weapon." Joseph froze. He had been so caught up in the fight that he had forgotten to keep track of the H.I.T. Agent that had attempted to intervene before _____ had blasted him away. Looking down at the defeated Hyperhuman laying between his feet, Joseph peered around the edge of the hood concealing his identity, his hand tightening around the grip of the baton. "Do not make me HZe you, I will drop you faster than you can call out for Mum." "[I]Mum.[/I]" Joseph spun into action, hurling the baton towards his target before raising his left bracer. The collapsible shield expanded just in time to absorb the blast from the agent's gun. Metal clattered loudly across the concrete floor, the baton disarming the agent seconds after he got off his second shot. Seeing his opening, Joseph charged forward, swinging the shield-laden arm as he leaped into the air. Bringing his arm down, Joseph swung with all his might, his feet landing hard on the floor. There was just one problem, his shield has cleanly cleaved through empty air. "Behind you."