[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fen%2Fc%2Fc7%2FLandofgiants.gif&f=1&nofb=1[/img] So, those who are unfamiliar with this semi-obscure science fiction series? It has a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_of_the_Giants]wikipedia[/url] page, but that info isn't strictly relevant. The basic premise is a shameless clone of "Lost in Space", because, well, it was written/made by the same people. The primary different being that LoTG wasn't a family, but some passengers and crew of an interstellar transit vessel, and instead of trying to navigate through unknown regions of space, their just trying to survive on 1 alien planet, and occasionally trying to make some progress towards getting off the planet again. The planet is populated by giants that resemble humans very closely, in almost every possible way, including clothing and technological development (albeit far less advanced, their level being closer to what we had on Earth in developed nations during WW2). That being said, I want to "reimagine" the story, The basic premise is still there- a spacecraft crash landing under unusual circumstances, onto a planet populated by giant creatures, but that's where the similarities end. The Giants don't resemble humans at all, and the same goes for wildlife/animals; nothing resembling life on Earth (as in, sure, there may be some life that resembles Earth fauna, like big cats, but won't resemble domestic cats of earth, same for arthropod/insectoid life). The Giants are not as advanced; they're comparatively in their iron age, making and living in stone structures, and forging weapons and armor from simple metals and alloys. The Giants lead violent lives in an aggressive feudal society. My idea in this is to make a more adventurous story, and I'm doing that by making a setting/environment where the danger is much more pronounced. There will also be a ticking clock, factoring in that search and rescue operations only go on for so long... I'd prefer 7 players, but would settle for 4, with multiple npcs filling it out a bit. [b]Update[/b] [hider=The Set Up, or, "How We Got Here"] A small commercial spacecraft, The Slingshot, was moving along on a routine flight path. Everything was going like any other day, when suddenly the flashing lights came on, indicating an emergency situation! Someone aboard was trying to take over the flight controls, and struggling with the pilot! The Attendants did their best to keep the passengers calm and seated, meanwhile the space marshal who was aboard tried to assist in the situation. The hijacker was soon subdued, and the ship was only slightly off course, so they got back on track for their destination. That is, they [i]would[/i] have done that, if one more problem came up- pirates. Apparently the hijacker had friends, and had disabled necessary defenses to facilitate the goals of these cosmic highwaymen. With shields down, and weapons malfunctioning, they had no choice but to run, and send out a distress beacon once it was safe. Unfortunately, the sector of space they were in, though a common route, was not well explored... After a harrowing chase, and it looking like the pirates were going to overtake them anyway, both vessels found themselves shook and throttled by some kind of gravity well; they were rapidly being pulled into some kind of singularity! Just when they thought this was the end, the singularity collapsed, and the Slingshot was slingshot faster than their equipment could track! Everyone lost consciousness shortly after... They woke up, uncertain of the time, to new alarms. The pirates were still on their tale, but they weren't the problem- they're trajectory was ending with an uncharted planet, controls were still down from this harrowing ordeal thus far, so they were unable to correct course- they were already caught in the planets' gravitational field, and entering the atmosphere. They were going down. The onboard engineer managed to restore enough control for the pilot to, through some miracle, manage a landing with minimal damage to the Slingshot, and no casualties. The systems operating were spotty, at best. Something about where the Slingshot came to rest interfered with communications, as well as passive energy regeneration. They barely managed to pick up a signal that let them know they weren't alone. The pirates were down on this planet, as well, though they had no idea where. The onboard hologram wasn't much help, either. Without long range scanners, they were completely, and hopelessly lost on a strange planet. The story picks up with the crew of the ship taking stock of who all is on board, and trying to come up with a plan while they figure out how to either repair the ship and get spaceward, or at least find a way to get out a distress call, and wait for rescue...[/hider] [hider=The Cast] The available roles to play are thus: The Captain/Pilot The Engineer The Marshal Attendants 1 and 2 Passengers 1, 2, 3 and 4 The Traitor/Saboteur [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Character sheets should be submitted like so: Character Name: Age: Role: Personality: Skills: Items: (be reasonable, most of these characters are performing a mundane job or just travelling)[/hider] [hider= A further hook] [img]https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/80/590x/secondary/ancient-alien-proof-Earth-UFO-drawings-1323391.jpg[/img] [i]No one knows the age of this world, Only that it is Ours. In all our great ages, Only thrice have They come among us. Upon great champions They bestowed great power But that was long ago. Dark are these times of conflict, And some begin to lose faith. The lowest among us despair That never again shall They Descend from the heavens, to bestow Their gifts upon the worthy And restore order To our fractured world. [/i][/hider]