[Color=pink]Melanie Rose Pourri[/color][hr][I]The Eukary Quad, Winter Carnival Club Booths, 9:00AM. Interacting with [@GreysonEA] and [@vertigh0st] [/i] The two girls continued past a fashion club, knitting club, metal detectors, model train builders, bug watchers, stargazers, stamp collectors, and other niche interest groups, and found themselves in the ideology and culture section. Melanie shivered and wrapped her arms around herself as they walked on. This area seemed darker and colder than the rest of the area, as it was cast in the shadows of the nearby buildings. Mel's tail twitched and her heart began to pound anxiously. The animals in this area seemed tense or angry. They glared at people who went to certain other booths but were overly friendly to those who visited theirs. The area just seemed to have an overall bad vibe to it, and she couldn't help feeling like she was being watched. [color=pink]"Hey, ah, Kayla? Why don't we turn back now? I don't think any of these clubs are for me,"[/color] Melanie asked as she glanced around, getting more worried every second. She looked back toward where her friend was and realized she had vanished. [color=pink]"Kayla? Kayla where are you?"[/color] Melanie called out as she ventured through the crowd, deeper into the club booths. [color=pink]"There you are!"[/color] Mel exclaimed in relief as she spotted her friend. She shuffled as quickly as she could to her friend's side before noticing that Kayla's tail was slightly tucked between her legs. [color=pink]"Hey, are you okay?"[/color] Mel asked, putting one paw on her friend's shoulder. Kayla turned to her and spoke in a hushed whisper. [I][color=dodgerblue]"I noticed this booth wasn't on the club map. There, with no sign. It's kind of creeping me out..."[/color][/i] She said, motioning with her eyes. Melanie followed her gaze to a white booth with red flowers and some dusty genealogy and ancestry books. It appeared to be run by [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cf/25/92/cf259254cf27526ccd04ae9d9f6c9b23.jpg]an attractive human male in a tuxedo[/url], among other well-dressed humans with a black and red theme--just like in that awful brochure for the Pure. The only non-human there was a [url=https://external-preview.redd.it/P7JmHtcgbtvUdq_CaFjKOFmjfD4kRChqnmJX3U0rdhs.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ce74e51b750d875dfc6fd68ed7b46477469e90e8]doberman[/url], who appeared to be no more than a guard dog. Among the group, Melanie thought she recognized humans that had followed her in the past month. The blonde male had a smirk and carried himself high with his nose in the air, as if he was better than everyone else. A chill went down Mel's spine, and she turned away. [color=pink][i]"Let's get out of here, I have a bad feeling about this,"[/i][/color] Melanie urged, pulling at her sleeve. Kayla nodded silently and the two girls retreated, walking faster and faster when nearby humans seemed to glare their way. When st last the literary club came into view, she finally dared to look over her shoulder--and managed to get her boot caught in an extension cable. The poor skunk had just a moment to gasp before she nosedived snout-first into the dirty, trampled snow. She slid about a foot before coming to a halt only at the feet of a couple upperclassmen. [Color=pink]"Owww..."[/color] Melanie groaned, just laying there and getting soaked. Her paw pads were scraped raw and she had filthy slush in her nose and eyes. Her beautiful black and white tail was now practically yellowed with mud. [Color=pink]"Ugh..Kayla? Kayla are you there?"[/color] Mel asked as she weakly lift her chest up with one arm and rubbed her eyes with the other. Her tail was down pathetically and she blinked a few times, staring at what looked like a blob or two standing in front of her. None of which looked like the springer spaniel. [Color=pink]"Oh, um, you're not Kayla! Sor-sorry, I'll be out of your way in-in just a minute..."[/color] the skunk-girl bashfully apologized, looking up at them for just a moment before she looked back down, hiding her reddening face behind her white head fur. Her heart began to pound frantically as she groped around on hands and knees in the snow with her tail between her legs. [Color=pink][I]Oh, I must look like such a dork! I hope these guys don't decide to smash my glasses...[/i][/color]