Hello this ia new wolepway ['-'] My name Stock ['-']/ hihi ['-']/ ok asdfasdffdafasdfasd asdafasdgsadfsda The tincture revealed its The starts shone under the And he was The g Timmy slapped the devil across his Timmy slapped the computer across the room. Yet another stupid RP thread. He was getting really tired of this dumb internet thing that made no sense. He had bigger things to worry about anyway, like the angel he had tied up in his underground lab. His parents had never supported his interest in science but that changed the day he slapped them across the room with his invention the mechanical buddha-palm. Timmy picked up his computer and placed it back on his Adfasdfhskjsahdk-brand table as he made a reply in that dumb ass fuckin thread for god knows what reason. P o l t e r g e i O onezone 9999999999999999999998 I DONT KNOWWWWWWWW Good['3']bYe