For the most part, Trina stayed in Neffy's pocket. Against these types of undead, no, rather, undead in general... She was kind of useless. Well. She was somewhat terrible for combat. There was some things she was really useful for but that was mostly traversing places and finding things. She peaked her little head out from her partner's pocket and was more than willing to hide during a fight. Who knows, maybe she would be able to point something out for the people that were actually fighting! For now, she had a show to watch! She reached down into the place she made into a small home and found a small, fairy sized pouch. Cautiously, she reached into the bag and pulled out what seemed to be some fairy size dried snacks or something of the sort. As she brought the snack to her lips, she cheered her partner on. "Yea, get these undead shits, Neffy!" Then she popped the snack in her mouth and started to munch on it. If she were much bigger if would have been an obnoxious sound that tended to get on the nerves of others. "Show them the damn good power of Coins!" She added, somewhat muffled from the food she had in her mouth.